Ac Ryan Playon Hd2 Firmware Update
Mede8er firmware for ACryan Playon HD2. Could you help me the Ac Ryan site is down and i really need a firmware update for the Ac ryan Playonhd2 73700 as i have.
Playon Tv Update
Unfortunately at the present time this is not possible as the PlayOn2 is based on the 1185 chipset, the same as the New Mede8er 500X2. There is no unlocked firmware for the 500X2 and if there was it at present does not contain the videowall, this is to come in a later firmware upgrade. The Mede8er firmwares listed in the other threads are for the PlayOn version 1's which use the same chipset 1073DD/+ as the the Mede8er 400/500x. Maybe in time it will become available, but for the moment you will have to wait or buy a Med500X2 and return the PlayOn! Thanks for the reply.
I've set up the HD2 and to be honest, I'm quite happy with the GUI. The movie jukebox with YAMJ is pretty much what I was expecting from the movie wall. Is the movie wall on the Mede8er better than the HD2's jukebox with YAMJ in any way?
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Oct 21, 2013 AC Ryan has recentlyannounced new firmware upgrades for the Playon! HD2 and Playon! Mini 2 media players. Some of the new improvements include scan storage function that can update without rebooting; displaying of titles in the ID3 tag of audio files during playback, fixed problem of continuous loading when entering. If you have recently purchased the AC Ryan Playon! Gmu patriot portal. HD2 and Mini 2 media players, you would be pleased to learn that the company has announced new firmware updates for the two media players. AC Ryan heeft voor de Playon!HD Mini 2 een nieuwe firmware uitgebracht. De AC Ryan Playon!HD Mini 2 heeft dezelfde specificaties als zijn grote broer, maar dan in een kleinere behuizing.
Ac Ryan Playon Hd2 Software Update

I guess I'll wait to see what people say about the 500X2 when and if the firmware gets hacked. On another note, I have to give credit where credit is due. The company that I bought it from were absolutely fantastic. Probably the best customer service I've experienced EVER. I stumbled on a site called that had the HD2 for a good price and took the plunge. Very friendly staff, really effiecient and even honoured their misprice.
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