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BTCV Handbooks Online Fencing Deer fencing Book: Fencing Chapter: 9 Fencing - special uses Section: Deer fencing Metadata: Deer fencing is erected for any of the following purposes: • To exclude deer from woodlands, including plantations, coppiced woodlands, newly planted amenity woodlands and those where natural regeneration is needed to maintain or extend woodland cover. • Exclosure fences may also be needed to protect high-value horticultural and agricultural crops. • To enclose deer in a farm or park. The type of fencing used is related to need, with the highest, most secure and most expensive systems used for perimeter fencing to enclose deer farms. Exclosure fences around newly planted woodlands also need to be secure if planting is going to be successful. For regenerating woodlands or coppice, a system that keeps out most deer and reduces damage to an acceptable level may be sufficient. Full-height (1.8m) wire netting for deer fencing was designed for deer farming, and is not always suitable for woodland exclosures or other uses.
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Woodlands, BTCV Handbook Footpaths. BTCV Practical Handbooks: British Trust for Conservation Volunteers Most Recently Published Waterways and Wetlands By. BTCV Handbooks Online 1 of 6 10/8/2006 11:58 µµ all booksall books search Home Books Fencing 1 Design. Btcv Handbook Footpaths Map. Landlife; 3, Robert Tregay; 4, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers; 5, author. BTCV Handbook. Footpaths, BTCV Handbook.
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The rolls of netting are extremely heavy and require machine access along the fence line, and the netting is difficult to fit neatly on undulating ground. The Forestry Commission designs (see ) or other systems described below are more versatile, and suit most woodland situations. The information in this section concentrates on techniques to manage deer with woodlands, as most conservation deer fencing work is for this purpose. Some of the materials and techniques of fencing are the same as for high specification enclosure fences. Deer have become an increasing problem in nearly all areas of the country, and the deer population is thought to be higher now than at any time in history.
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Coppice regrowth and natural regeneration of trees is impossible in many places without fencing or other protection. In some areas muntjac deer are causing significant damage to the ground flora of woodlands. Download xforce keygen autocad 2015. For further information on deer management and fencing, see Forestry Commission Practice Notes FCPN6 (1999) and FCPN9 (1999).
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There are three basic approaches to controlling deer damage to woodlands, which may need to be used in combination: • Fencing or tree guards. Netting or mesh fences are necessary, as deer can push between the wires of line wire fencing. Muntjac can push under netting, which must be lapped or buried as for rabbits (see special uses). Temporary electric fencing can be effective (see ). Tree guards must be of sufficient height and robust enough to resist damage. • Providing alternative grazing and browsing to divert attention away from the areas you want to protect. • Culling of population.
Culling has to be organised on a local area basis, as deer will rapidly move into woodland where culling has taken place. Contact the local Forestry Commission office as there may be a deer management group in your area. Income from shooting or sales of venison may be useful in supporting woodland management.
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See McKinley, Roger (1999) for further details. The design of new woodland should include features which make safe culling possible, such as wide, sunny rides to attract deer, with access routes for stalking. Note that deer can easily injure themselves by attempting to jump normal stock fences. Standard height stock netting fences topped with one or two lines of barbed or plain wire, giving a total height of about 1m (3'), are a frequent cause of injury. As the deer tries to jump, its leg can get entangled in the top wires, where it dies a lingering death. Hinged joint stock netting, as opposed to the more rigid 'Stiffstay' or 'Tightlock' types (see ), can also cause injury as the hinged joints can collapse and trap a deer's leg.