Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration
The story of the Hizbul Bahr The worthy Shaykh Abu al-'Aza'im Madi ibn Sultan related, as did also the worthy and blessed Shaykh Sharaf al-Din, son of the Shaykh. (al ism al azam). (Is ke bad ye Dua Hizbul Bahr parhain) Transliteration. Home » Benefits of Hizbul Bahr » Hizbul Bahr » Hizbul Bahr Benefits » Hizbul. Documents Similar To Hizb Ul Bahr Translation. Skip carousel. Carousel previous carousel next. Hizbul Bahr Aarabic-English- Transliteration.
The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of the Sea] except as it came from the Prophet of God (s), from whose instruction I learned it. 'Guard it;' he said to me, ' for it contains the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God: '- It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city. On his death bed Imam Shadhili gave Naseeha-counsel to recite his Litany of the Sea (Hizb ul Bahr) often, and he said, “Teach it to your children for the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God is in it.”. Wa sakh-khir lana kulla bahrin huwa laka fil ardi was-samaa-i wal mulki wal malakut.

Wa bahrad-dunya, wa bahral akhira. Varsham mp3 songs free download 320kbps. Wa sakh-khir lana kulla shay-in ya man bi yadihi malakutu kulli shay. Generatefnisforusers download. And subjugate to us every sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, the Dominions and the Heavenly Realm. And the Sea of this world and the Sea of the World to come. And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is the dominion over everything. Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
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Hizb Al Bahr
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad. Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad. Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf open, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa open, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa open, 4th by reciting 'Ain open, 5th thumb by reciting Saad open.(2nd reading) 3rd time close small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close, you now have a closed again.(3rd reading) Then 1st. Recite unsurna and open small finger 2nd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-nasireen open second finger 3rd.