Sccm Software Center Uninstall Greyed Out
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I think I'm going to be asking for something that won't quite work the way I want it to. I'm working on SCCM12R2, and implementing it in our environment. First app I setup was Adobe Reader 11.0.06.
Download and install bluestacks. Used the AIP method instead of SCUP, setup a Transform for it, etc etc. I can install the program with zero problems to a collection (of devices, via Software Center), and uninstall works as well. So I pick a different collection, with machines we are using in IS, that have Adobe Reader 11.0.06 on it already. Now Adobe shows up in Software Center under Installation Status showing 'Installed' and under 'Installed Software', uninstall option greyed out in both spots.

An application cannot be uninstalled using Software Center when it contains more than one deployment type. I created an application to deploy Acrobat Reader using the msi. The application contains 2 deployment type (Install for User). One DT has a requirement for English OS, the other DT is for French OS. Submitted 1 year ago by purplepok3r. I have 2 applications, each of them with 2 deployment types. I got the same issue with both applications --> the uninstall button in the software center is grey, so you can't uninstall those applications. All of the deployment types have an uninstall command line.
It's not set to mandatory. I uninstalled it manually from my computer, and then installed it via Software Center, and it installed, and uninstalled just fine.
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Uninstall An Application With Sccm
So I figured maybe I can specify a little more specifically under 'Deployment Types' if it's actually installed, with the thought that when it goes to install, it's pretty good about nuking an old install. So I added an 'AND' for determining it's installed to include the contents of the RegKey under HKLM Soft MS Windows CV Installer UserData DefaultUser Products GUID(?) InstallProperties Updated configmgr client on the machine. Let's me uninstall it and install the Software Center version. So I uninstall it, and reinstall one off the web. Now it's back to not letting me uninstall it. Should I be looking to run a rule to force a device in the collection to uninstall the app, and have the device install it from SCCM if it was previously installed? Some sort of remediation? Am I missing something basic here?
If needed, it will be installed automatically for you. Barely 6 days to the release of this year's edition of the Pro Evolution Soccer series, PES 2016, published by Konami. Download ucom controller drivers. When new is installed, although contriller works correctly, other hardware which interacts with it may not be, because the other hardware actually needs its own drivers updated. It try to hide usb work exposing at user space level simple objects like file, where readers contend for data.