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It was around the year 2001 when I first started to take an interest in mixing and producing music in 5.1 surround format. I have created 5.1 mixes of some of my past tracks from various of my solo albums, and I have also created a.

My surround music DVD is mixed in Dolby Digital 5.1 and is playable on any standard home DVD player (special DVD-Audio player not required). The DVD is available to buy from and from. You can play the below AC3 files on your PC or Mac using the program VLC (). You can play the WMA files using. Important instructions for playing these surround music files: If you have a 7.1 surround setup or even more speakers than that, please switch your speaker configuration to 5.1 before you play these files. Terramite t5c serial numbers. The files are made for 5.1 audio and if your speaker configuration is set to 7.1 or anything else, they will not sound like they are meant to.